Friday, July 10, 2009


Tonight, I feel indulgence is not chocolate or a fancy meal, but a good conversation with a friend that lingers long after, that brings a smile in after-thought, that seems too short even as day converts to night, that obliterates the surrounding chatter into noise, that creates a longing for the next conversation.

For other thoughts: Sunday Scribblings

Sunday, July 05, 2009


Is it human to feel serenity in the power of cello music in the dark car cabin, as the voiceless GPS device projects each turn onto a dark background? That was the feeling I had last night as I navigated through the streets to find my reacquainted friend's home. I was used to a voice guiding me to the destination, but this night, there was no voice, only cello music. The lights from the street lamps outside provided a sense of romanticism. Thoughts of reminiscence and fantasy flashed through my mind like the scenes from a movie. When I arrived, the music had ceded to the Bluetoothed voice of my friend on the car's speakers, asking me to come on up.

Other thoughts at Sunday Scribblings

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Oh My(,) Canada!

My oh my, a land for all
Where maple blooms in the fall
From Green Gables to Edmonton Mall
From Great Lakes to Rockies tall
Oh my, Canada!
A land for all!

My oh my, a land for me
That took my family as refugee
From penniless to mortgage free
From boomers to generation three
Oh my Canada!
I stand on guard for thee!